How can we help you?
Qualispect’s Inspection Expertise covers the following areas:
Engineers and Geologist
Utility Inspectors
Environmental Inspectors
Quality Engineers
Pre-Shipment Inspection (PSI)
Post Shipment Inspection
Coating Inspections (Certified CIP Level 1 ,2 & 3 Inspectors)
Pipeline Inspection Services (Certified API 1169 Inspectors)
Visual Welding Inspections (Certified AWS SCWI, AWS CWI, AWS CRI Inspectors)
We also Offer the following
Mechanical Equipment Inspections (Certified API SIFE Inspectors, Mechanical Engineers)
Rotating Equipment Inspections (Certified API SIRE Inspectors, Mechanical Engineers with Rotating Equipment Specialization)
Electrical and Instrumentation Inspections (Certified API SIEE Inspectors, Electrical Engineers and Electricians)
Loading & Unloading Supervision
Procurement Verification Services
State Building Code Inspection Services
Civil Inspection Services
Construction Inspection Services
ISO/ API Audit Services (Factory Production Control)
Construction Managers
Turnaround Inspection Services (Certified API 510, 570,653,935,580,571 Inspectors)
Craft Inspector (ROW, Ditching, Coating, Lower-In Etc)
As-Built Inspection Services
Witness Materials Testing (Factory Acceptance Test and Qualification Testing)
Expediting Services (Field and Desk Expediters)
Supervision & Witness of Precommissioning And Commissioning Services (Specialized Personnel Certified In Operator-Specific Commissioning Methods, Such As OPERCOM (Total And Technip)
Witness Performance Testing (greenhouse emission testing for boilers plants, vents, blow downs, pneumatically actuated valves etc, and compliance testing to meet federal/state standards for National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP), New Source Performance Standards (NSPS), Texas NOx Non-Attainment Area Regulations, Texas Permit by Rule and Title V ⁄ Part 70 Operating Permit)
Additional Services
API 510 Pressure Vessel Inspection for equipment buyers